It’s been a great first day and I’m about to collapse into a coma for the next 6 hours, so forgive me for being brief!Dunes, rocks, mud, crawls and runs, Badlands has it all and the wonderful guides of Jeep Jamboree ’18 have been making sure everyone gets plenty of it. This wasn’t your normal mild trail run, with gnarly rocks, lots of bottoming out, even for the lifted Jeeps, rock gardens, steep climbs through mud and rock, even a few places that had me wondering what we were doing here… And I normally just charge on!

We spent hours on the trail, from morning through mid afternoon, and then met up at the local firehouse where the firefighters had prepared dinner for us. Huge thanks to them for the wonderful meal! We needed it after a long day on the trails. Actually I’m not sure all of them were trails before we got there….
Heres some photos from day 1, if you’re in them be sure to drop a line and I’ll get you a copy and make sure I list you in the image. Enjoy the photos and I’ll be back tomorrow with more! Make sure to follow me (@JefPrice) on Twitter and IG, and FP (@FieldPhotog) for more updates FROM THE TRAIL tomorrow! FP